Emotional intelligence (educator version)

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand one’s emotions and the emotions of others.

Empathy (educator version)

Empathy is the ability to emotionally identify with another person after recognizing their experiences.

Leadership (educator version)

Leadership is the ability to influence or guide others.

Opposing views (educator version)

Opposing views are differences in thoughts, ideas, opinions, or beliefs that are often present during social interactions.

Working with others (educator version)

Working with others is the ability to effectively interact with people to achieve a common goal.

Imposter syndrome (educator version)

Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon where an individual experiences extreme self-doubt in relation to their skillset, accomplishments, and/or talents.

Self-advocacy (educator version)

Self-advocacy is the act of communicating one’s needs and exercising one’s rights.

Self-promotion (educator version)

Self-promotion is the act or practice of furthering one’s growth to present yourself as competent as possible.

Knowing your strengths (educator version)

Knowing your strengths is the process of identifying talents, skills, and abilities and playing to those strengths to develop and improve.

Personal growth and development (educator version)

Personal growth and development refer to the process of continuous improvement towards personal goals.

Reframing failure (educator version)

Reframing failure is the process of embracing failure, recovering from it, and using it to inform future success.

Self-care (educator version)

Self-care is consciously taking steps to support one’s overall health and wellbeing.

Academic entitlement (educator version)

Academic entitlement is the externalization of responsibility in academic environments and the unrealistic expectation that academic achievement should be granted, regardless of merit or effort.

Self-awareness (educator version)

Self-awareness is the ability to identify one’s thoughts and the practice of understanding how they influence actions and outcomes.

Self-motivation (educator version)

Self-motivation or intrinsic motivation is the ability to engage in a behavior or activity without the expectation of an external reward.

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