The domain assessment can be accessed below. There are 5 domains: executive function, communication, critical thinking, intra- and interpersonal, and social accountability. This assessment will ask a series of questions that relate to the learners competency of the domain and the relevancy of it to their academic and/or personal needs.

  • Strongly
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly
  • I am able to organize my thoughts, set goals, and plan actions.

Please make a selection

  • My learning requires that I organize my thoughts, set goals, and plan actions.

Please make a selection

  • I can effectively communicate my thoughts and opinions in various ways and can easily understand the thoughts and opinions of others.

Please make a selection

  • My learning requires that I communicate my thoughts and opinions and understand the thoughts and opinions of others.

Please make a selection

  • I excel at brainstorming and developing creative ways to solve problems.

Please make a selection

  • My learning requires that I evaluate ideas and formulate arguments to understand topics better.

Please make a selection

  • I am good at understanding my feelings and the feelings of others and can use this understanding to grow as an individual and as part of a community.

Please make a selection

  • My learning requires that I am aware of my strengths, manage failure, and deal with conflicting views.

Please make a selection

  • I have a good awareness of and value differences between individuals, communities, and cultures.

Please make a selection

  • My learning requires that I have an awareness of inclusive practices and appreciate multiple perspectives.

Please make a selection